Monday, September 30, 2019

Internet, or computers is a new necessity Essay

This paper asserts that the Internet is not a luxury anymore in everyday life, hence it is has become a new necessity and that the Internet today benefits many aspects of life physically, economically and socially. This paper will prove these assertions with evidence and counterarguments by overcoming by at least one argument that may forwarded against. Starting with physical reason, it is argued by some that Internet is should only be used by those in the office and those who have the luxury of time and money. Computers which are means to access the Internet are needed only if one has money is the justification of some. This may have been the result a survey conducted for the Americans (Pew Research Center, 2006) where the respondents were all rich and therefore they can afford to have computers that would eventually lead them to have a continuous access in the Internet. If one ask a group of people who have no money, will they then answer the same thing or will they answer that they also need the internet only that they cannot afford? This paper believes the second argument that the lack of money in the meantime is equivalent to absence of need. This is argument may be the result the of movement to give one laptop for each child by a non government organization despite the utter lack of money of every child to have the access to the internet. The hidden reason is the indispensability of having to be linked to the world to benefit from the knowledge economy. The lack of money should not be therefore a reason recognize that the need is not there. To further support this counter argument is the belief that a hungry man who cannot afford to eat does not mean that he or she does not need the food the food anymore. What the hungry do is to find the means in order to have that food. For economic reason, it is argued by some that access to the Internet via computers should only be accessed by those who have financial transactions via the network. The internet is supposed to facilitate business communications among those who are into it like the banks. The said argument misses the point of having to have access in the Internet. Who else will not need the banking industry this time? If one belongs to a third world country and waits for a cash remittance from a first world country, does he or she not know that the money will have to pass through the Internet that links the banks around the world. In case the remitter and the expected recipient will encounter a problem with the remittance, will they not require the use of the Internet to facilitate the communication? If this happened before, they can talk via phone but this time a cheaper mode is available. They can chat in the Internet and they can solve their problem from there. That point of this counter argument is that business entities use the Internet, the public will have to follow using the same because that is demanded by the need of the times. It may be explained that the banking industry are interlinked around the world, hence to say that they are not interlinked is shortsightedness. Investors from richer countries of the world are pouring their investments in poorer countries too with the expectation of the developing the market. What will this rich investor’s do is to employ people from these poor countries and the moment these workers have financial capacity, they will immediately become members of the financial community that lives on computers and the Internet. With communications to have become cheaper, the Internet has employed many which afforded people to better educate them selves. Because of the Internet, people can now study online and can transact online. Shall not the better education and better communication caused by the Internet then? For social reason, Hertlein and Sendak (n. d. ) also argued that increasingly a part of everyday life, the Internet allows users to develop online interpersonal relationships and this resulted to breach of relationships and trust and commitment of previously existing assumed romantic relationships. They thus argued for Internet infidelity resulting from these breaches. They also noted that fact that as the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and rhythm of relationships, it also inherently affects the manner in which a couple defines intimacy in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and connected may now struggle with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are ambiguous and upon which they may not agree under the present level of technology using the Internet. Seeing the effect of such change on interpersonal relationships, they saw the effect of a â€Å"compromised intimacy and a devaluing of the primary relationship, potentially cascading into other significant problems. † (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d. ). It may be counter-argued however that what may have been termed as internet infidelity may infer that as an increased freedom to communicate and express oneself because freedom allows so. It cannot be argued that the Internet cause infidelity because it is the human person who made the choice to communicate for more freely to other people. To justify their points, Hertlein, and Sendak said that the paradoxical nature of online relationships has been noted by many where they illustrated cases of people engaged in online relationships that can choose to present a detached attachment. They explained that Internet allows for immediacy of communication and interaction while maintaining anonymity thus allowing transmittal of confessional self-disclosure. This, the authors found causes â€Å"elements of a disembodied corporeality, easily abandoned high investment and strictly private proclamations of the union. † (Hertlein and Sendak,n.d. ) Again this appears to be short sighted interpretation of the use of the Interne since it is still the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. It may be argued that people make choices not the Internet. As further evidence against the use of the Internet, Hertlein, and Sendak found flirting in use of the Internet, masturbations committed online (Hertlein and Sendak , n. d). They cited Maheu and Subotnik who found flirtation leads to erotic satisfaction â€Å"as there is a mental ability to disassociate the online sex with anything having to do with a person’s real life. † (M Mahu & R Subotnik, 9) They also cited research estimates that about 20% of Internet users while online to have engaged in some sexual activity (Cooper, Scherer, & Mathy, 2001). On a balancing note, as counterargument against the use of the Internet, Hertlein, and Sendak (n. d. ) cited that benefits from the use of the Internet such as the shift to better intellectual and emotional relationships of individuals due to individuals’ greater appreciation for online relationships. They cited a study, where participants reported greater levels of satisfaction with their online relationships than with their face-to-face relationships (Underwood, H & B Findlay, 127-140). They also noted greater freedom to express feelings that could not be done in non-virtual relationships specially the for men. Before one knows it one is confession all sorts of things in the Internet and it is good for people psychologically. Good relationships may be produced in the net because of more freedom to express oneself or the result of an incontrovertible marketing of the self. In ace-to-face communication, one who engages in a relationship must in many aspects expose one’s identity to be potentially judged and the self cannot escape the agony of embarrassment. But in the Internet one can do many things like disguising in many names but with the eventual benefit of self discovery and more psychologically matured to face the world. Thus, Hertlein, and Sendak found that Internet users shape personal demographic information to be in better compliance with what they assume to be others’ version of the ideal mate that in so doing, a person may better come to understand how one’s own being can change. With the anonymity therefore afforded on the Internet that enhances one’s ability to promote any chosen identity, experimentation with different identities has become familiar commonly understood and practices by many in the Internet. What is the effect of all this is the social construction of self as highlighted and elevated? (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d). This paper has proven that the use of the computer or the Internet has become a necessity physically, economically and socially. The arguments forwarded against were overcome by contrary evidence. The physical reason that only in the office have need of the internet has almost made everybody not able almost able to live without the computer or the Internet because it is those who have the resources who make the world running by forcing almost every to see the benefits of the technology. One cannot refuse money passing through the high technology banking using the Internet. One will have to be eventually become part of the banking system of the international communication promoted by the Internet. The economic reasons are obvious. Who does not want cheaper cost of communication and faster way of service? Who would not want to see what is happening in the world when one will have the money to buy even a gadget to have access in the Internet? What would have caused the non-governmental organization to dream for one laptop for each child despite the financial incapacity to acquire one? Should we not rather conclude that there is a strong belief that they the acquisition of knowledge of more knowledge the faster way that will cause intellectual and economic prosperity of these children? There is also enough ground to overcome the argument that that increasingly a part of everyday life, the Internet has allowed the online interpersonal relationships that resulted to breach of relationships and trust and commitment of previously which were romantic relationships before. That the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and rhythm of relationships, to have affected the couple definition of intimacy in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and connected may now struggle with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are ambiguous are just sighs of enlightened path for more freedom to intimacy in other forms. It was explained that what may have been termed as internet infidelity is actually a failure to appreciate and adjust to changing reality that people have become more socially adjustable indeed because of the technology. It was thus observed that people engaged in online relationships that can have a detached attachment, immediacy of communication and interaction while maintaining anonymity which transmittal of confessional self-disclosure. The finding by authors of more socially adjusted beings mere pointed to the need to have the technology these days where people could now have parties and occasions even if these people are apart from each other. The argument against by using on line or Internet infidelity is a shortsighted interpretation of the use of the technology as it is basic to understand that it is still the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. The finding also that online activities resulted to flirtation leading to erotic satisfaction given the mental ability to disassociate the online sex with anything having to do with a person’s real life is just a revelation that man has been doing the same thing in secret with or without the Internet. The Internet was invented to serve mankind and since necessity is the mother of all inventions, one could not but accept the fact the invention has become a necessity. The ever increasing growth of the industry are living proofs Internet is to remain in the lives of many people because not only that the advantages of far outweighs the disadvantages of having the same but the technology come into being because of the need to survive. Economically speaking technology increased production and productivity although population continuously grows. Works Cited:Cooper, Scherer, & Mathy, Overcoming †¦over a 5-year Period’, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 84(2): 352–64, 2001 D Greenfield, Virtual Addiction. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 1999. Hertlein and Sendak, Love â€Å"Bytes†: Internet Infidelity and the Meaning of Intimacy in Computer-Mediated Relationships, n. d. , www document} URL http://www. inter-disciplinary. net/ptb/persons/pil/pil1/hertleinsendak%20paper. pdf, Accessed July 14,2007 M Mahu & R Subotnik, Infidelity on the Internet. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Inc. , 2001, p. 9. Nie, N. Sociability, Interpersonal Relations, and the InternetReconciling Conflicting Findings, 2001, Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 45, No. 3, 420-435 (2001)2001 SAGE Publications, {www document} URL , Pew Research Center Luxury or Necessity? Things We Can’t Live Without: The List Has Grown in the Past Decade December 14, 2006, {www document} URL, http://pewresearch. org/pubs/323/luxury-or-necessity, Accessed July 14,2007 Underwood, H & B Findlay, ‘Internet Relationships and Their Impact on Primary Relationship’, Behavior Change, 21/2, 2004, pp. 127-140.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Service quality management

This case study talks about the many service quality issues faced by a local mass transport company, SMRT. The company has to still remain functional amidst mass crltlclsrn amongst the public due to Inefficient communication networks, inefficient maintenance and various problems in the senior management. As a newly appointed senior manager, it is imperative that we work towards delivering a high quality service to our customers. There are many tools and quality improvement frameworks that we can use to improve existing service quality standards.The problems faced by the company start with over 10 breakdowns that have occurred In d span of two years. Due to repetitive service disruptions, the previous CEO, Ms. Saw Phaik Hwa who has apologized publicly and offered false promises, further causing more service disruptions affecting around 127,000 passengers including 1000 passengers stranded in each of the four trains that were stalled. Malntenance Issues This Is one of the main problems that have Impacted the quality of the services provided by SMRT.Various issues such as misalignment of tracks & lack of evacuation nd emergency plans have impacted the customers' health and have caused some of them a lot of inconvenience and stress There has been serious impact on the servicgs productivity due to the same problems as they have not been able to successfully carry out their promised service. Even when the breakdowns happened, the backup power systems did not turn on and this made the people stranded very uncomfortable and claustrophobic. Excuses were given once again to quickly dismiss these accusations.By using Deming's 14 Points of Management, we could find out the root causes of the problem. 1 . Management Commitment: The senior management had not been able to live up to the promises that they have publicly given mainly due to the Inefficiency of the senior management. Had the senior management a closer involvement In the lower-level operations, they might have be en able to take suggested actions. 2. Understand Inspection: Due to the various problems mentioned above, it was important for the senior managers to gather relevant information regarding the frequently occurring problems.This suggests that the communication networks are not very efficient and this wlll be further discussed later In the report, 3. Improve Constantly: The Jepanese have developed d technique called â€Å"Kdlzen†, which means â€Å"Continuous Improvement†. This could be used to ensure that quality standards and customer expectations are met by constantly developing all dimensions of the service prov10ea. 4. Institute Iralnlng: Atter one 0T tne DreaK00wns, around 60 maintenance staff were deployed to gather information and rectify the problem that had caused a 5 hour disruption in the services.However, their inefficiency to analyze and rectify the root cause of the problem suggests that SMRT need to invest in training. . Institute Leadership: Leaders shoul d be coaches and mentor staffs rather than checking on them. The senior management has clearly shown a lack in leadership skills as they have only been giving excuses and false promises. Inefficient Communication Networks: This is another factor that contributed to the reducing service quality of SMRT. Efficient communication between various levels of the business is very important to run an efficient and successful business.SMRT has been facing various barriers in communicating instructions and messages from senior management to the operating evels and vice versa. The problems that have been occurring have not been reported properly to the higher authorities and hence not been able to receive instructions from the senior management on how to proceed further and improve the quality of the service being provided. Using ISO standards as a benchmark, we can see that SMRT is not being able to maintain high service quality standards.Since ISO is internationally recognized, this serves as a suitable benchmark. There are few principles that need to be followed in order to get their certification: 1 . Customer Focus: SMRT needs to meet the equirements of the customers and exceed their expectations but they have failed to do so. They have not improved their service quality and hence, their customer experience. 2. Leadership: As mentioned earlier in the report, the leaders have not been able to achieve the goals set and have disappointed their very large customer base. . Factual approach to decision-making: Since the employees are inefficient and have not been able to analyze data and information, their supervisors have not been able to suggest proper course of action. 4. System approach to management: According to this principle, all processes are interrelated. Since there has been a lack of co-ordination amongst the employees of every level, SMRT has not been able to manage their technologically advanced systems.One other instance of lack of a coordinated communicatio n systems was the humiliating and controversial message template that SMRT sent to its taxi drivers asking them to seize the â€Å"income opportunity' that arose because of the MRT breakdown. The common citizenry has heavily criticized this inappropriate message further contributing to the declining public image of the company. uggested Improvements Using Malcom Balbridge National Quality Award's 7 Criteria of Performance Excellence as the benchmark, there are quite a few improvements that could be suggested.To begin with: Leadership: Effective leadership brings out the best out of every employee of the firm, since the resignation of the previous CEO, the current CEO will take some time to settle into the position and it is important to make sure that he/she receives timely communication and proper assistance from other managers. Strategic Planning: It was very clear that the previous management have ot defined their future strategies clearly and have not prepared proper contingenc y plans and this has made life difficult for the customers and the management of SMRT.To ensure that this does not happen in the future, SMRT could conduct a formal meeting with all stakeholders to develop a strong and effective strategy with the public's opinion also taken in mind. Also, regular track and train maintenance should be conducted to reduce the chances of such problems arising again. Customer Focus: Surveys could be conducted to understand the customer's xpectations and SMRT could work towards fulfilling them.The constant service disruptions have already caused the company's image to decline and to make sure that this does not happen in the future, SMRT could look into developing proper plans. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management: The lapses in information and data have also caused grave problems to the company and SMRT should invest in training existing and hiring new skilled employees to analyze and report field data. Workforce Focus: It is important to cons tantly monitor, motivate and rain the workforce.As a happy workforce is more efficient and can provide higher service quality that an unmotivated one. This would also increase service quality. Process Management: Ensuring proper contingency, emergency and evacuation plans during service disruptions can help increase quality and reduce the risk to customer's, while indirectly improving the image of the brand. Results: Putting everything together, it is still important to get results and improve the customer's image of the company while maintaining very high standards of service quality.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Play and pedagogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Play and pedagogy - Essay Example Research has indicated that through play, they are able to develop mentally, physically and emotionally. In terms of social development, children are able to develop their language skills and interaction with others. Children who appear shy are said to become more confident when they are allowed to play. This is owing to the fact that through playing, they are able to open up and interact with the rest of the pupils. Intelligence in children has also been attributed to the same social phenomena. It assists children to develop mentally and reason when they are faced with different challenges. For instance, some games played by children require that major decision-making. In the process, such children are able to develop mentally and deal with different challenges in life. Play has also been imperative when a teacher want to know the talents of such children. One can tell whether a child has leadership skills through this. This is by observing how the children behave when they are inte racting with the environment through play. For understanding important play and pedagogy, the following observation was done in a kindergarten setting. I visited a certain kindergarten with a view to observe how play and pedagogy assist in child development. After receiving permission from the administration, I was allowed to walk into the classroom as well as the field of play to make observation and note down. The following are some of the observations that I was able to make Day 1 Class setting The setting of the classroom in itself indicates that children are supposed to learn through physical illustrations. On the walls, there were different charts, which had different kinds of drawings, some of which had been made by the children. The charts had alphabets, and drawings that represented every word. For instance, in a letter ‘C’ there was a large cat that was drawn to make it easy for the children to understand. The class had large tables with chairs where the child ren were supposed to sit. However, there was a large space in the classroom, which had been left for a purpose. At one corner of the classroom, there was a television set which is use sometimes by the teachers to pass important information to the children. Windows are higher to ensure that children are not distracted. The design of the classroom indicates that safety measures have been taken to protect the children against any form of harm. The pupils In this particular study, I sampled out two pupils that I would use in making observations. They were Jane and James. The pupils observed were between 3-4 years of age. They were jovial as they went on with their activities in school. One of the most striking features is that the pupils came from different sociocultural backgrounds. The class had full representation of different cultures. On the other hand, the class was designed in a way that it would allow children with special needs to be included. The class had two children who wer e physically challenged. They were however able to appreciate learning just like any other normal children. The teacher would ensure that such children got special attention to facilitate learning. Teaching procedures Immediately the children enter the classroom, they are required to get into a circle. Jane and James and the rest of the chilren hold hands as they begin singing songs that

Friday, September 27, 2019

Capitalism Is a Force for Social Progress Essay - 1

Capitalism Is a Force for Social Progress - Essay Example Technological development in the modern world is as a result of funding from capitalist entities which have ensured that there is technology for everyday needs. People in society today cannot do without technology because the latter allows their lives to become easier since they are able to put in less effort in order to conduct everyday activities. The swift technological development that has been seen in recent decades would not have been possible without the investment of capital since this is the motivation behind individuals becoming innovative (Goldstein and Lee 2005, p.212). In most circumstances, it is the possible financial incentives as well as the need to improve on current technology that has spurred individuals to develop an even better technology. Through the efforts of these individuals, the investment that is made in their projects and their hope of gaining a profit from their inventions encourages individuals to create technologies that are useful for the whole of so ciety. In this way, capitalism has contributed to social progress because it has enabled the development of technology that is put into use by billions of people every day. This is a circumstance which would not be possible in any other economic system, especially communism because the incentive to advance technology would not be there since, in the latter economic system, individuals do not gain from what they invent. Only under the capitalist system do individuals have the right to private property and this gives them the freedom they need to become innovative. Â  Capitalism has been credited with enabling individuals who come from relatively poor backgrounds to advance in society and this has encouraged people to work hard as a means of securing this advancement.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Conflict in America Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper

Conflict in America Legalizing Marijuana - Research Paper Example During the previous government, this drug was illegal; however, when Obama’s government took power, it legalized marijuana and several states followed suit. This did not amuse the federal government, who were opposed to the move; it criticized the act and even went forth to pronounce legal action on those states and people found trading marijuana. Since this is an issue that may threaten national stability in the United States, it can be resolved by having the two bodies harmonize and come up with the best solution, rather than living with disputes. Keywords: Marijuana, State Laws, Federal Laws Every new government in the US comes with its own laws that favor it; the laws made reflect the promises of the new government and its political party. During the reign of President George W. Bush between the years 2001 to 2009, the government had enforced laws against marijuana. It took actions against those who dealt with the drug. However, when the government of President Obama took office, there was a different approach on marijuana; the government no longer took actions against those who were trading on the drug. According to Morgan (2011), the attorney general announced that the government was no longer going to deal with issues of marijuana peddling anymore. The announcement caused a lot of uproar from those who did not support the idea. The memorandum by the attorney general acknowledged the presence of conflict on marijuana between the federal and the state laws. As at present, the federal laws prohibit all deals on marijuana and according to the US drug enforcement administration, marijuana lacks a safe way of using it and has a high potential of becoming abused (Morgan, 2011). On the other hand, the state laws do not conform to the federal laws. An example of this is California, which became the first state to legalize marijuana, and 15 other states soon followed it. The many conflicts surrounding marijuana are not only found at federal and state domain s. This issue is also present in the medical domain; there are two contrasting arguments of medics concerning marijuana, with one group arguing that the use of marijuana has no effect to the body and the other arguing that it has effects. The American thoracic society reported that most marijuana users had no increased lung infections, while the British lung foundation had filed a report in 2002 citing the adverse effects of marijuana in the human body (Morgan, 2011). Conflict on marijuana is a major issue and of great concern. The greatest effect to Obama’s government is in the political arena. This is because most of those who are opposed to the move could use this chance to ambush an attack to the government, especially given that during the reign of the Republican Party, Marijuana was banned. Democrats’ risk losing their popularity among anti-marijuana citizens and organizations. Most international organizations and nations classify marijuana as a drug and in most countries, its use and trade is prohibited and punished by law. Permission by American government to its citizens to trade and use marijuana offers risks to the country; these include risks of losing reputation amongst international communities among others. In the New York Times, Savage (2012) informs that, â€Å"Several had cautioned that the issue had raised several legal and complex issues†. The complex issues were based on international antidrug

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism Research Paper

Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism - Research Paper Example His beliefs in socialism began when he fled to Switzerland, for purposes of escaping being drafted into the army. However, in 1904, Benito Mussolini returned to Italy, and decided to serve in the army, in return of being pardoned. It is important to understand that after his service in the army, Mussolini became an editor of various socialist newspapers in Italy, advocating for the principles of socialism. During the First World War, as an editor of socialist newspaper, Benito Mussolini strongly advocated for neutrality. However, after accepting a series of bribes, notably from the French, Mussolini advocated for Italy to support the cause of the allied forces. Deakin (2000) denotes that Italy made a poor judgment in the war, and this made the country to experience an economic downturn, leading to massive loss of jobs, inflation, strikes, riots, etc. Mussolini took advantage of this chaos, and built a nationalist party referred to as Fasci di Cambattimento. This party was named after the Italian revolutionaries of the 19th century. This party, commonly referred to as the Fascist party of Italy strongly advocated for Italian nationalism, and it used violence and intimidation against its opponents to advocate for its ideals. It is important to denote that while intimidating its opponents, the Fascist party claimed that it was crushing the violence and riots that were taking place in Italy during the time (Painter, 2000). This made Mussolini to have the respect of King Emmanuel the 3rd who later on invited him to form a government. It is important to understand that it was the Fascist party that was promoting anarchy, through its violence activities targeted at opposition parties. On this basis, the King misjudged Benito Mussolini, and his party, the Fascist Party. Deakin (2000) denotes that the Fascist party appealed to the war veterans, and this is because it advocated for the protection

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business and Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business and Sustainable Development - Essay Example Thus, both government and business are faced with huge challenges of issues related to climate change and global warming across the globe. Changing climate and global warming Climate change broadly refers to drastic change in weather conditions that adversely impact the living conditions across the globe. The recent changes observed in the global climate have become a huge concern for the environmentalists. The last few years have seen long and hot summers in Australia and Europe. The rising of sea levels at alarming rate due to melting of Antarctica and arctic oceans and climate related disasters are few of the repercussions of using natural resources with little or no sense of responsibility. Pielke et al (2003) assert that climate change that causes extreme weather conditions and natural calamities is much greater in regions having poor infrastructure, huge populations etc. In the recent times, the huge damage to the coral reefs and their gradual decline has been a great concern t o the scientists. Wilkinson (2002) claims that about 30% of coral reefs are already seriously damaged and close to 60% may be lost by 2030. This is highly distressing because coral reefs are major facilitator of ecosystem services to the human societies. They contribute through industries like fisheries, coastal protection, building materials, new biochemical compounds, and tourism (Hoegh-Guldberg, et al, 2007). Thus, threat to their existence would not only have adverse impact on environment leading to climate change but would also have long term repercussions on the survival of human societies. Drivers of climate change Dyson (2005) says that economic development is correlated to the fossil energy – coal, oil and natural gas. The industrial revolution has been a catalyst to the exploitation of natural resources like coal, wood and other types of natural resources. The technological advancements and globalization has further accelerated the misuse of the same. The conservati on and preservation of natural resources become vital part of survival because they are important part of population dynamics as its sustenance depends on the available resources. Indeed, human threats to the environment incorporate significant factors that are intrinsic part of development process. Social scientists have contested that various drivers of climate change contribute towards sustenance of life forces and determine the characteristics of natural and managed system comprising of cryosphere, hydrology and water resources, marine and freshwater biological systems, terrestrial biological systems, agriculture and forestry etc. (Parmesan and Yohe, 2003; Thomas et al., 2004). Managed system broadly refers to systems that are dominated by considerable human input like agriculture, fisheries, health etc. Another important fact is that an unprecedented increase in population growth in the last quarter has introduced new challenges in its wake. While it has put great burden on the land resources, availability of the other natural resources like clean drinking water and fresh air have also been adversely impacted. Carbon emissions, green house effects etc. are also key factors that have direct impact on climate change leading to global warming and erratic weather schedule. Management

Monday, September 23, 2019

The most important elements of proper Communication in a job interview Essay

The most important elements of proper Communication in a job interview - Essay Example Similarly if you look away while listening it would show lack of interest and a rude and unethical behavior. Facial Expressions: Your facial expressions should be positive enough to encourage the employer for further communication. In case of nervousness do not try to be perceived as arrogant. A smiley face is appreciated everywhere. The employer should be aware of your gladness you have to meet him. You should not reveal a lethargic expression no matter how much exhausted and tiring you are. Posture: A good posture is a key symbol of a fine personality. One should stand straight, walk tall and sit tall. Shoulders should not be bended forward and there should be no slouching. Be sensitive to the body language of the other person. Any inconsistency between verbal and non-verbal behavior is significant and the non-verbal cues generally send the more accurate message as "action speaks louder than words". Gestures: Gestures should go along with your personality, and must be real. Do not use artificial gestures to highlight the importance of the issue. One should not use a speech with too many "uh's", "ur's"or "hms". Space: One should recognize the boundaries between personal space and that of others. If you are typical of most Americans, it ranges between 30 and 36 inches. Be prepared, however, not to back up or move away from someone who has a personal space that is smaller than your own. Hang in there, take a deep breath, and stand your ground. For most of us, merely the awareness of our personal space is enough to consciously prompt us to stand firm when speaking with someone. If you have a smaller than average personal space, make sure you keep your distance so that you do not intimidate someone who possesses a larger personal space. (The most important interview nonverbals, College, themostimportantinterviewnonverbals.htm) Confidence- The key to success Be yourself. Confident people inspire confidence in others; one has to appear confident in order to make others realize that he is suitable enough to do the job. Interviewees are usually nervous and therefore they become self absorbed and self-conscious, which takes their attention off the job at hand and onto themselves. Be careful to avoid showing signs of nervousness such as scratching, drumming fingers, playing with a pen etc. Everyone possesses some weak points, which make the person loose his confidence at an interview. It is the aim of the prospective employer to play oral communication tricks to you and make you reveal all those weak points which are sufficient to make a person feel unconfident and insecure enough to perform the job, so no matter how weak you are, never impose yourself loose confidence in a job interview. (Impact Factory, Job Interview Techniques, Communication Skills Effective communication skills are needed in most jobs on an everyday basis, your tone should be refined and one should not talk too fast, slowly, loudly or softly. Verbal patterns should be followed like an impressive speech pattern, ability to act naturally, very focused and articulated thinking. It seems very unethical to interrupt the employer. Be attentive and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Qatari law Essay Example for Free

Qatari law Essay Qatar is located in a peninsula jutting out 100 miles into the Persian Gulf from Saudi Arabia. The country is mainly barren and is situated with Saudi Arabia on its west and United Arab Emirates on its southern border. Qatar occupies a total land area of 11,437 square kilometers. (Infoplease, 2007) Climate experienced in this region is generally hot and dry due to the desert landscape. The air is usually humid but is sultry during the summer time. Naturally occurring disasters experienced in the area are haze, dust storms and sandstorms. Qatar has only 1% of its land area that is classified as arable while 5% of the land is used for raising pastures. Qatar has an estimated population of 1,000,000 (in 2007), and approximately 200,000 are citizens. Nearly all Qatari profess Islam approximately 95% of the population. Majority of the population migrated due to the availability of employment for the oil industry in Qatar. Arabic serves as the official language while English and other languages are also spoken in Qatar. Many Qataris trace back their roots to natives of the Arabian Peninsula. Migratory tribes have settled in Qatar during the 8th century. There were also migration from gulf Emirates and as well as Persian merchants. Today, most of Qatar’s inhabitants cluster in Doha, the capital city. Foreigners with temporary status comprise 52% of the total population and make up approximately 89% of the total workforce. In 2004, the country had a total population of approximately 1,000,000 (in 2007), of whom approximately 200,000 were believed to be citizens. Of the citizen population, Shia Muslims account for approximately 3 percent and Sunni Muslims comprise the remaining 97 percent. The majority of the estimated 800,000 non-citizens are individuals from South and South East Asian and Arab countries working on temporary employment contracts in most cases without their accompanying family members. They are of the following faiths: Sunni Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Bahais. Most foreign workers and their families live near the major employment centers of Doha, Al Khor, Messaeed, and Dukhan. The Christian community is a diverse mix of Indians, Filipinos, Europeans, Arabs, and Americans. It includes Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic, Anglican, and other Protestant denominations. The Hindu community is almost exclusively Indian, while Buddhists include south and East Asians. Most Bahais in Qatar may come from nearby Iran. Religion is not indicated on national identity cards and passports, nor is it a criterion for citizenship in Qatar according to the Nationality Law. However, Qatari citizens are either Sunni or Shia Muslims with the exception of a Bahai and Syrian Christian and their respective families who were granted citizenship. Shia, both citizens and foreigners, may attend a small number of Shia mosques. There is some limitation of the religious liberty of Christians. No foreign missionary groups operate openly in the country. Culture Qatar explicitly uses Sunni law as the basis of its government, and the vast majority of its citizens follow Hanbali Madhhab. Hanbali (is one of the four schools (Madhhabs) of Fiqh or religious law within Sunni Islam (The other three are Hanafi, Maliki and Shafii). Sunni Muslims believe that all four schools have correct guidance, and the differences between them lie not in the fundamentals of faith, but in finer judgments and jurisprudence, which are a result of the independent reasoning of the imams and the scholars who followed them. Because their individual methodologies of interpretation and extraction from the primary sources were different, they came to different judgments on particular matters. Qatari law When contrasted with other Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, for instance, Qatar has comparatively liberal laws, but is still not as liberal as some of its neighbors like UAE or Bahrain. Women can legally drive in Qatar, whereas they may not in Saudi Arabia. The country has undergone a period of liberalization and modernization after the current Emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, came to power after becoming Emir in place of his father. Under his rule, Qatar became the first Arab country in the Persian Gulf where women gained the right to vote. Also, women can dress mostly as they please in public (although in practice local Qatari women generally don the black abaya). Before the liberalization, it was taboo for men to wear shorts in public. The laws of Qatar tolerate alcohol to a certain extent. However, public bars and nightclubs in Qatar operate only in expensive hotels and clubs, much like in the UAE and Bahrain, though the number of establishments has yet to equal that of UAE. Qatar has further been liberalized due to the 15th Asian Games, but is cautious of becoming too liberal in their law making the country viable weekend immigration from their western neighbor. Overall Qatar has yet to reach the more western laws of UAE or Bahrain, and though plans are being made for more development, the government is cautious Economy Before the discovery of oil the economy of the Qatari region focused on fishing and pearling. After the introduction of the Japanese cultured pearl into the world market in the 1920s and 1930s. Qatar’s pearling industry faltered. However, the discovery of oil reserves, beginning in the 1940s, completely transformed the state’s economy. Now the country has a high standard of living, with many social services offered to its citizens and all the amenities of any modern state Qatar’s national income primarily derives from oil and natural gas exports. The country has oil estimated at 15 billion barrels (2.4 km3), while gas reserves in the giant north field (South Pars for Iran) which straddles the border with Iran and are almost as large as the peninsula itself are estimated to be between 800 – 900tcf (Trillion Cubic Feet – 1tcf is equal to around 80 million barrels of oil equivalent) (Anonymous, 2005). Qatar’s primary source of income relies on its oil reserves, which constitutes more than 30% of its Gross Domestic Product. An estimated reserve of 3. 7 billion barrels is predicted to last up to 23 years with sustained level of output (Qatar: Background, 2007). Qatar also has one of the world’s largest reserves for Natural Gas, estimated to be more than 5% of the world’s total reserve or amounting to 7trillion cubic meters. These two natural resources constitutes the backbone of Qatar’s economy (Qatar, 2002). Oil industry in Qatar On 1935, a 75-year oil concession was granted to Qatar Petroleum Company, which was owned by Anglo-Dutch, French and USA. At Dukhan, located at the western side of Qatar, high quality oil was discovered. Oil exploitation was delayed due to the onset of World War II and Qatar was only able to export oil during 1949. Due to the increase in revenue from oil export during the 1950s and 1960s, Qatar entered the start of its modern history. This was the start of Qatar’s prosperity, rapid immigration was experienced due to employment brought about by the oil industry and substantial social changes was experienced. When UK announced in 1968 the policy of ending the treaty relationship with the Gulf Shiekdoms, failed talks with the other sheikdoms in a plan to form the United Arab Emirates resulted to Qatar declaring independence on September 3, 1971. Oil still forms the cornerstone of Qatar’s economy well into the 1990’s. Today Oil still accounts for about 62% of total government revenue. In 1973, income generated from oil production and exportation gradually increased the country’s revenue. This has helped Qatar move from previously ranked as one of the world’s poorest countries into one of the highest per capita income in the world. In 2006, the country has a per capita income of $62,000, which is ranked as fifth in the world (Beureau_of_Eastern_Affairs, 2007). During the 1990’s, OPEC or Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries had lower oil production quotas resulting to fall in oil prices. The result was an unpromising outlook in the international markets and reduced earnings in oil products led to recession in Qatar. Many small businesses were affected and expatriate staffs were affected by massive lay off. However the country was able to regain economically by the late 1990’s and expatriate population have grown again. Qatar’s oil production is currently estimated around 835,000 barrels a day. It is expected to reach 1. 1 million barrels per day by the year 2009. With the current rate of producing oil, reserves in Qatar are expected to last up to more than 40 years. However Qatar has other resources that are also exploited for production. It’s proven reserves of natural gas are the third largest in the world. The gas reserves of North Fields in Qatar exceed more than 900 trillion cubic feet or 14% of the worlds total gas reserves. Qatar is the largest producer of Liquefied Natural Gas with more than 31 million metric tons per annum. By 2010, Qatar is expected to produce 77. 5 million metric tons per annum and will account for one third of the world’s LNG supply (Beureau_of_Eastern_Affairs, 2007). Qatar’s oil fields are estimated to be depleted by 2023. But with the discovery of natural gas in the Northern fields, Qatar economy received a great boost from gas reserves income generated from exportation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas. Currently Qatar exports gas to Korea, India and China via shipping lines while gas is delivered via pipelines to Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain. Exploration: Early exploration took place in May 1935 as part of an agreement between the English-Persian Corporation and the Sheikh of Qatar at that time Abdullah Bin Jassem Al-Thani to explore oil for a term of 75 years. The agreement was executed by a corporation, which is later known as Qatar Oil Associated Corporation. Exploration, however, was adjourned due to border problems with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, but eventually started in 1938 extensively (Country profile: Qatar, 2008). In 1949, Qatar started to export oil through Mesaieed port on the East Coast. The first exported quantity was 80,000 tons on board President Liner on 31/12/1949 for a price of 5. 9 million Indian rupees received in 1951. Qatar developed its production speedily; and in 1951, it reached 46,500 barrels a day compared to only 34,000 a day before that time (Energy and Resources—Sources and Definitions, 2003). The State of Qatar became number 11 among oil exporting countries in 1952, with a production of 67,700 barrels a day, i. e. , 0. 5% of world production. Consequently, oil revenue increased to 4. 2 million US dollars in 1951, and 12 US million dollars in 1952.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

To Da-duh Essay Example for Free

To Da-duh Essay The story is told by the nine-year-old version of the narrator. As a little girl, she doesn’t see or think much about everything. When she sees Da-duh, her grandmother, for the first time, she sees a â€Å"small, purposeful, painfully erect† figure and a face that is â€Å"as stark and fleshless as a death mask†. As the story goes along, the reader starts to understand the competition between the narrator and her grandmother from the point of view and the eyes of the narrator. As it is mentioned in the last paragraph, Da-duh and her granddaughter experience a competition in the story. The competition is about whose home is better, Da-duh’s home in Barbados Island or the narrator’s home in New York. Each argument starts from a simple thing, like â€Å"I know you don’t have anything like these in New York†. They both have strong will and heart; those feelings are shown in the dialogues they have during the narrator’s visit to Barbados from New York. This story has a lot of adjectives and symbolism to form the reader’s picture of the people and the places. For example, when Da-duh starts to hear about New York from her granddaughter, the author writes, â€Å"I came to know the signs of her surrender: the total stillness that would come over her little hard dry form, the probing gaze that like a surgeon’s knife sought to cut through my skull to get at the images there, to see if I were lying; above all, her fear, a fear nameless and profound, the same one I had felt beating in the palm of her hand that day in the lorry†. This is a pretty long and complicated sentence, but it’s filled with adjectives so that the reader can have a better feeling to the story. In â€Å"To Da-duh† story, the author uses a child’s point of view in explaining the tone and the mood in the story. The tone in every dialogue in the story shows a competition and love of each person’s home. In the end, an irony is shown when the narrator gets a house in a loft above a noisy factory with machines sounds that her grandmother was pretty afraid about. Within this irony, Paule Marshall ends the story with a sad and love feeling between the narrator and Da-duh.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Review on Client Side Load Balancing

A Review on Client Side Load Balancing Prof. Vikas Nandgaonkar, Prof.Prashant Dongare Harshal Mahajan, Awadhoot Lele, Akshay Gaikwad Abstract : Load balancing is an important issue while managing server resources in a cloud environment. The concept behind load balancing is to manage server load which includes number of resources like avaliable RAM,CPU bandwisth, etc as well as to manage incoming request on the server. In cloud environment, it is important that even small application requests from clients must be served with an appropriate response, but in convensional approach, it becomes difficult to serve small data resourcesover large ones. Here load balancing plays an important role by managing and distributing load from one server evenly across multiple servers. Our approach is to perform load balancing at client side which means to shift load management process at client side hence reducing servers load balancing overhead. Keywords— string matching, experimental algorithms, text processing, automaton, pattern I. Introduction Cloud computing may be a new term within the computing world and it signals the appearance of a brand new computing. Cloud computing is Associate in Nursing on demand service within which shared resources, data, computer code and alternative devices area unit provided in step with the purchasers demand at specific time. It’s a term that is mostly employed in case of web. the complete web is viewed as a cloud. Capital and operational prices is cut victimisation cloud computing. Load equalisation in cloud computing systems is absolutely a challenge currently. continually a distributed resolution is needed. Jobs can’t be appointed to acceptable servers and purchasers separately for economical load equalisation as cloud may be a terribly complicated structure and elements area unit gift throughout a good unfold space. Our aim is to produce Associate in Nursing analysis and comparative study of those approaches. Cloud computing could be a bunk meaning totally different things to different individuals. For some, its simply in our own way of describing IT (information technology) outsourcing;others use it to mean any computing service provided over the Internet or an identical network; and a few outline it as any bought-in laptop service you utilize that sits outside your firewall. Different types of cloud Based on the domain or environment in which clouds are  used, clouds can be divided into 3 categories: Public Clouds It is type of cloud which can be access from  anywhere in the world and can be accessed by anyone. Examples of this cloud are Amazon’s or Google’s cloud  which are open to all after specific SLA between user and  provider. Private Clouds In this type of cloud the specific  organization’s or company’s employee can only get access  and it will be accessible only within organization’s premises  and by authenticating each and every user, it is not open to  all. Hybrid Clouds (combination of both private and public  clouds) This types of cloud are combination of both public  as well as private cloud. Most of the commercial use is  influenced by this type of cloud. Different services provided by Cloud Fig 1: Services of cloud.[1]. A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Means we have a tendency to area unit buying access to raw computing hardware over world wide web,such as servers or storage. Since we have a tendency to get what you would like and pay-as-you-go, this is {often|this can be} often said as utility computing. normal net hosting may be a straightforward example of IaaS: we have a tendency to pay a monthly subscription or a permegabyte gigabyte fee to own a hosting company serves up files for our web site from their servers. B. Software as a Service (SaaS) Means we use a  complete application running on someone elses system. Web-based email and Google Documents are perhaps  the best-known examples. C. Platform as a Service (PaaS) Means we develop  applications using Web-based tools so they run on systems software and hardware provided by another company. So, for example, we might develop your own ecommerce website but have the whole thing, including the shopping cart, checkout, and payment mechanism running on a merchants server. (from and the Google App Engine are examples of PaaS. Existing Load Balancing Algorithm A. Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm: In a distributed system, dynamic load equalization is worn out 2 totally different ways: distributed and non-distributed. within the distributed one, the dynamic load equalization algorithmic program is dead by all nodes gift within the system and also the task of load equalization is shared among them. The interaction among nodes to attain load equalization will take 2 forms: cooperative and non-cooperative [4].Dynamic load equalization algorithms of distributed nature, typically generate additional messages than the non-distributed ones as a result of, every of the nodes within the system must move with each alternative node. A benefit, of this can be that though one or additional nodes within the system fail, itll not cause the overall load equalization method to halt, it instead would effects the system performance to some extent. Distributed dynamic load equalization will introduce Brobdingnagian stress on a system within which every node must interchange standing info with each alternative node within the system. In non-distributed kind, either one node or a gaggle of nodes do the task of load equalization. Non-distributed dynamic load equalization algorithms will take 2 forms: centralized and semi-distributed. within the initial kind, the load equalization algorithmic program is dead solely by one node within the whole system: the central node. This node is exclusively chargeable for load equalization of the entire system. the opposite nodes move solely with the central node. In semi-distributed kind, nodes of the system square measure partitioned off into clusters, wherever the load equalization in every cluster is of centralized kind. A central node is nonappointive in every cluster by acceptable election technique that takes care of load equalization at intervals that cluster. Hence, the load equalization of the entire system is completed via the central nodes of every cluster[4]. Strategies in Dynamic Load Balancing: 1) Transfer Policy: The part of the dynamic load balancing algorithm which selects a job for transferring from a local node to a remote node is referred to as Transfer policy or Transfer strategy. 2) Selection Policy: It specifies the processors involved in the load exchange (processor matching) . 3) Location Policy: The part of the load balancing algorithm which selects a destination node for a transferred task is reffered to as location policy or Location strategy. 4) Information Policy: The part of the dynamic load balancing algorithm responsible for collecting information about the nodes in the system is reffered to as Information policy or Information strategy. B. Distributed Load Balancing For the Clouds: (a) Honeybee Foraging Algorithm: In load-balancing operation,[2] every server takes a specific bee role with possibilities post exchange or pr. These values area unit wont to mimic the bee colony whereby an explicit range of bees area unit maintained as foragers – to explore (px); instead of as harvesters – to take advantage of existing sources. A server with success fulfilling asking can post on the advert board with likelihood pr. A server might at random select a virtual server’s queue with likelihood px(exploring), otherwise checking for an ad (watching a waggle dance). In summary, idle servers (waiting bees) follow one in every of 2 behaviour patterns: a server that reads the advert board can follow the chosen advert, then serve the request; therefore mimicking harvest behaviour. A server not reading the advert board reverts to forage behaviour; pairing a random virtual server’s queue request. associate degree corporal punishment server can complete the request and calculate the prof it of the just-serviced virtual server. Fig 2 :Virtual Servers and Advert Boards[2] II. Problem Statement To develop scalable, secure and fault tolerant client side load balancing application to leverage strength of cloud components[1] by using signature driven load management algorithm along with dynamic time wrapping[3]. Proposed System In our proposed model we establish cloud setup between  two computers using Ubuntu, xen and Eucalyptus on  peer to peer network. This can be discussed as follows- 1. Cloud Setup Creating cloud (test bed) by using  (Ubuntu, Xen and Eucalyptus 2. Resource Monitoring monitoring critical  resources like RAM, CPU, memory, bandwidth,  partition information, running process information and  utilization and swap usages etc. 3. Load Balancing load balancing algorithm for  homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures. 4. Testing In order to evaluate the performance of  complete setup, need to deploy resource monitoring and  load balancing tools on test bed and evaluate  performance of our algorithm. A. What is Resource Monitoring? Cloud computing has become a key manner for businesses to manage resources, that square measure currently provided through remote servers and over the web rather than through the recent hardwired systems that appear therefore out of date nowadays. Cloud computing permits corporations to source some resources and applications to 3rd parties and it means that less problem and fewer hardware in an exceedingly company. rather like any outsourced system, though, cloud computing needs watching. What happens once the services, servers, and web applications on that we tend to have faith in run into hassle, suffer period, or otherwise don’t perform to standard? however quickly can we tend to notice and the way we tend toll can we react? Cloud watching permits America to trace the performance of the cloud services we would be victimisation. whether or not we tend to square measure victimisation in style cloud services like Google App Engine, Amazon net Services, or a made-to-order answe r, cloud watching ensures that every one systems square measure going. Cloud watching permits America to follow response times, service accessibility and a lot of of cloud services in order that we are able to respond within the event of any issues. B. Approach to Resource Monitoring Here during this section we tend to area unit developing Associate in Nursing application in java where we tend to area unit observance the node resources like RAM, CPU, Memory, Bandwidth, Partition data, Running method data and utilization by employing a Third Party merchant application like SIGAR (System data Gatherer and Reporter). Proposed Algorithm Client side load balancing system which leverages strength of cloud components and overcomes above mentioned disadvantages Signature Driven Load Management(SigLM) using Cloud The above algorithm works by capturing system’s signature like available RAM, current CPU bandwidth available and other resources. Once captured, that value is compared with default threshold value and accordingly load like incoming requests is shifted to target node machine using Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) technique. Dynamic time wrapping works by considering source node as given by SigLM algorithm and makes some calculations to predict target node to which the load is to be shifted. This algorithm has better results than conventional algorithms with following advantages : Caption of resource signature. Scheduling by comparing signature of each server. 30%-80% improved performance than existing approaches Scalable, efficient and 0.0% overhead Dynamic time wrapping (DTW) for selection of target node at runtime. Client side means to perform load balancing before requests hit to server. D. Conclusion : In this paper we tend to created non-public Cloud setup mistreatment Ubuntu, xen and Eucalyptus which we tend to use as a workplace for closing implementation of DTW algorithmic program. we tend to conjointly did literature survey of existing resource observation tools additionally as load leveling tools and are available up with Associate in Nursing algorithmic program for various design with higher performance. In this paper we tend to discuss the implementation modules of Signature pattern matching DTW algorithmic program with the right flow diagrams that simplifies the work of Load Balancer. The planned metrics may be any refined by taking a lot of elaborate formalism for every module. References [1] Tony Bourke: Server Load Balancing, OReilly, ISBN 0-596-00050-2 [2] Chandra Kopparapu : Load Balancing Servers, Firewalls Caches,Wiley, ISBN 0-471-41550-2 [3] Robert J. Shimonski : Windows Server 2003 Clustering LoadBalancing, Osborne McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-222622-6 [4] Jeremy Zawodny , Derek J. Balling: High Performance MySQL,OReilly, ISBN 0-596-00306-4 [5] J. Kruskall and M. Liberman. The Symmetric TimeWarpingProblem: From Continuous to Discrete. In Time Warps,String Edits and Macromolecules: The Theory and Practiceof Sequence Comparison, pp. 125-161, Addison-WesleyPublishing Co., 1983. [6] Matthew Syme , Philip Goldie: Optimizing Network Performancewith Content Switching: Server, Firewall and Cache Loadbalancing, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13 101468-5 [7] Anthony T.Velte, Toby J.Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud  Computing A Practical Approach, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition22International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information ResearchesISSN: 2277-4068, Volume 1– No.2, April 2012 [8] 2010.Martin Randles, David Lamb, A. Taleb-Bendiab, A Comparative Study into Distributed [9] Load Balancing Algorithms for Cloud Computing, 2010 IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops. Mladen A. Vouk, Cloud Computing Issues, Research and Implementations, Proceedings of the ITI 2008 30th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, 2008, June 23-26. [10] Ali M. Alakeel, A Guide to Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Computer Systems, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.6, June 2010. [11] [12] [13] Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [14] M. Vlachos, M. Hadjieleftheriou, D. Gunopulos, and E.Keogh. Indexing Multi-Dimensional Time-Series with Support for Multiple Distance Measures. Proc. of SIGKDD, 2003. [15] Keogh and C. A. Ratanamahatana. Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems,2004.23

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sidney and Petrarch; Or, The Contemplation of Love :: Renaissance European History Essays

Sidney and Petrarch; Or, The Contemplation of Love Tanto piu' di voi, quando piu' v'ama. Petrarca. The Renaissance reached its fulfilment in the sixteenth century. English, long neglected by the humanists' preoccupation with Greek and Latin, rose to a wholly new and conscious dignity as a medium of serious literary expression. That English should rise and attain the status of national language is not surprising in view of the fact that the spread of literacy and the introduction of printing, along with the increasingly strong nationalist feeling, did account for its consolidation.1 There was not only a steady progression towards developing a language of their own; English humanists also felt a peremptory need for constructing and shaping literary modes which were akin to their own set of values and culture. As The Norton Anthology of English Literature's introduction to the sixteenth century puts it: "Literary conventions challenged Elizabethan poets to find fit forms for their experiences, to show their learning and virtuosity by the ingenious elaboration of [...] well-known patterns, and to create from these patterns something fresh and new."2 Be it a pastoral poem or a sonnet, the Elizabethan poet would set out to follow the path of 'ingenious invention'. He would sometimes draw on the conventions and modes of the classics or, as the case may be, he could also seek out to emulate the patterns of foreign poets (mainly Italian and French), in order to recreate their poetic utterances. In Phillip Sidney's sonnets, for instance, the old Petrarchan rhetoric is still at work. Sidney's Astrophel and Stella is the first of the great sonnet cycles, which drew heavily upon the conventions established by Petrarch. The Cambridge History of English Literature says: "Some of [Watson's] successors were gifted with poetic powers to which he was a stranger, and interwove the borrowed conceits with individual feeling, which, at times, lifted their verse to the plane of genuine poetry."3 The quotation could be taken as an accurate reflection on Sidney's poetry, for he really undertook to work upon the already established literary modes and, by so doing, he did succeed in creating poetry of his own. For Sidney, thus, the Petrarchan conventions had to take on a wholly new meaning, if his poetry was to be both genuine and unique.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Feudal System Exposed :: Men With Guns John Sayles Movies Essays

The Feudal System Exposed In his movie Men With Guns, John Sayles shows his viewer many participants in the feudal, agricultural system of an unnamed Latin American country. The peasants who work the land present, as are soldiers who terrorize the laborers, guerillas and others who try to escape it, and a priest who had been targeted by the military. Even people who are not directly involved in the feudal system are portrayed in Sayles' film; the protagonist is a city doctor who had no idea what life was like in the rural areas. American tourists wander Sayles' countryside, ignorant of the horror that is taking place literally all around them. One group of active participants in any feudal system are conspicuously absent from Sayles' screen; while the plantation owners are mentioned, they are never physically present on the rural landscape. That they are absent, at least in Sayle's film, but always seemingly in control is significant and is important in one's understanding of how feudal systems are reproduced . The viewer does come face-to-face with a feudal lord, or one at least connected to plantation owners, but he is at a nice restaurant in the city not on the fields in the country. Over the course of the meal he tells Umberto, the doctor, that Umberto knows nothing about the Indians and that people from the city should not try to help the Indians in any way. "The more you do for them," the plantation owner warns, "the lazier they get." The only other image of the peasants comes from a military general who describes the Indians in need of protection from guerrillas. Because the only contact that city people have with the plantation system is through the point of view of plantation owners, they have little idea about the Indians' lives and how they are treated by feudal lords; without accurate information, people from the outside have little interest in changing the feudal system. After Umberto leaves the city for the country, he loses contact with feudal lords. Instead, he has to deal with the violent reality of the feudal system in the rural areas. In the country, where people work and live on plantations, plantation owners are absent. What is ever present is a military bent on terrorizing laborers. As Umberto's travelling companion, a former soldier, tells Umberto, the army exists for the plantation owners, feudal lords, who depend on force and violence to coerce peasants to work.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Yeats initial disenchantment with Irish nationalism can be successfully traced in his love poems to Maud Gonne

In Dublin, WB Yeats met John O' Leary for the first time, a form Fenian who interested him in Nationalism and translations of Irish writing into English, and by doing so, gave Yeats' fresh and exciting subject matter for his poetry, and a new purpose. This was also the year he met Maud Gonne, tall and beautiful, a well- to- do revolutionary with whom he fell in love. Penniless, he could only offer her his poetic devotion. From the moment he met her, WB Yeats' life was profoundly affected by her famed beauty and unanswered devotion to Irish Nationalism. Born during an age when women were expected to be nothing more than window-dressing for their husbands, when women were expected to leave the rough and tumble world of politics to men, Maud Gonne rose above that prejudice. Maud Gonne did not return Yeats' passion. She accepted him with delight as a friend, but would not respond to any lovemaking. In many of Yeats' earlier poems we can see his enchantment with Maud Gonne. In the â€Å"Rose Collection† the rose had several symbolic meanings; as a title it probably means the â€Å"eternal rose of Beauty and peace†i It was also used in the ordinary sense of a rose in love poetry and Yeats knew Irish poets had used it to symbolise Ireland. According to York notes the rose symbolised spiritual beauty it symbolised Maud Gonne. â€Å"The White Birds†, is a Yeats poem about love and envisions a love affair with Maud Gonne; â€Å"Where time would surely forget us, And sorrow come near us no more; Soon far from the rose and the lilly and Fret of the flames would we be, Where we only white birds, my beloved, Buoyed out on the foam of the sea!ii In â€Å"When You Are Old†, he is anticipating that he would not be happy in love. It also shows that WB Yeats believed that Maud Gonne would regret not being with him. Yeats' proposed marriage a number of times, but she had no use for Yeats' proposals. She was his unrequited love. Each time she turned him down by saying † No Willie the world would not thank me for marrying you†iii While he was in love with Maud Gonne he shared her nationalistic aims and she exerted a strong influence on his early poetry. But his love for Maud Gonne made him react to politics more emotionally and that sometimes meant that that his reactions were not born out of reason but out of love for Maud Gonne. She continued to be the catalyst for the finest love poetry Yeats' would create. Yeats labelled himself a socialist, one who despised the middle classes, and his ideal Ireland was divided between a Protestantism of fine artistic tastes and a devout Catholic peasantry, full of instinctive wisdom and preserving a living folklore. The love of Yeats' life, Gonne would keep his mystic, otherworldly figure grounded in the real world, a world that love and heart break would not allow him to escape. So Yeats entered the lists of Irish nationalist politics in the 1890s as a kind of courtly lover, anxious to prove his worth before a very nationalistic woman's eye. Since he found her unresponsive, after a period his emotions had cooled and then revived. He developed a concept of personal transformation through the agency of failure. He must try to change Ireland or to win his mistresses' favour, and fail, and in failure find apotheosis. Yeats may also have joined the secret Irish Republican Brotherhood, which traced its origins to the Fenian Brotherhood, the Fenian Brotherhood that had risen in futile rebellion in 1867, He certainly recognised that his literary work contributed generally to the cause of Irish separatism for which the secret, sworn Association stood. Maud Gonne saw Yeats â€Å"as a political weapon†iv to be used in the great battle, she was only interested in the element in his poetry which was dedicated to Ireland, and had she gotten her way he would have become a writer of versified nationalist propaganda, a sort of fin de siecle Thomas Davis. Her sole purpose in life was concentrated in the attainment of an Irish Nation. It was Yeats that let Maud Gonne uses him as her slave but Yeats was not in favour of violence, however, Maud Gonne made a cult of violence into which she swept him culminating in the Jubilee Riots of 1897 in Dublin. The poem â€Å"he wishes for the clothes of heaven† shows how Yeats â€Å"dreams† for Ireland, and Maud Gonne's approach of using force, therefore these two different contradicting thoughts could have been the reason for his initial disenchantment. Another poem, which supports this idea, is â€Å"Words† â€Å"I had this thought a while ago. My darling cannot understand. She doesn't understand him, he doesn't want violence, Their politics is going in different directions.v These are varied and transitional; they reveal the poets greater readiness to write about public matters; and they record how his romantic poetry and the hopes it conveyed inspired by and written to Maud Gonne had foundered on her marriage to John Mac Bride in 1903. There is a static quality about the work of this volume The Green Helmet and Other Poems, But one that is regretful and poignant. The poetry is being stripped of decoration. The poem â€Å"Upon a house shaken by the land agitation† deals with the effect of the settlement of the Irish land question in the late 19th and early 20th Century, by a series of Acts which culminating in the Wyndham Land Act of 1903 and the Ashbourne Act of 1909. In this poem Yeats reflects upon the affect of a reduction of rents made by the courts upon the Gregory's Coole Park. The Gregory's life is based upon the estate. The romantic wistfulness, the dreamy, decorative quality of much of his early verse now gave way to a manner at once more terse, astringent and masculine. The poem â€Å"No Second Troy† tells us that after Maud Gonne's marriage and his struggles in the Abbey theatre – Yeats was bitter and distressed, however his verse took on a new strength, no longer the vague twilight suggestions of previous volumes. In the poem â€Å"September 1913† from Responsibilities, Yeats looked about him at the country he had served with such devotion and found nothing but dissolution, seeing with sudden bitter clarity the littleness, the greyness, the meanness, the self-glorification, the prudish savagery and false piety gathering in which he had been involved under the influence of Maud Gonne. The love he had for her and his powerful influence, she used to encourage people in her cause. He came to see how political opinions destroy a woman. To conclude, Yeats unrequited love for Maud Gonne had made him increasingly unhappy. During the 1890's he had become disenchanted with the Irish nationalists and with the revolutionaries. In 1903 Maud Gonne's marriage put an end to his hopes that one day she would marry him. The love poetry he continued to write still recorded his love for her, but it had become a love which no future. The old love had been replaced by realism, by knowledge of how she had never really understood him or his aims.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Principles Of Safeguarding And Protection Essay

The booklet must: Ai Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse: †¢ Physical abuse Physical abuse is the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury,physical pain or impairment.physical abuse may include but is not limited to such acts of violence as striking ( with or without an object) hitting,beating,pushing,shoving,shaking,slapping,kicking,pinching and burning. †¢ Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is any sort of non consensual sexual contact,sexual abuse can happen to men or women of any age. †¢ Emotional/psychological abuse Any act, including confinement, isolation, verbal assult,humiliation intimidation or any other treatment which may diminish the sence of identity,dignity and self worth. †¢ Financial abuse Misuse of a persons money, property or assets through theft or fraud †¢ Institutional abuse Mistreatment of people brought about by poor or inadequate care or support, or systematic poor practice that affects the whole care setting . it occurs when the individuals wishes and needs are sacrified for the smooth running of a group,service or organisation. †¢ Self neglect Self neglect is any failure of an adult to take care of himself or herself that causes or is reasonably likly to cause within a short period of time serious physical,mental or emotional harm or substantial damage to or loss of assests. †¢ Neglect by others Neglect is the failure to provide necessary care, assistance,guidance or attention that causes, or or is reasonably likely to cause the person physical ,mental or emotional harm or substantial damage to or loss of assets. Read more: Identify national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse  essay Aii Identify signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse Abuse can show as physical effects and symptoms.these are likly to be accompanied by emotional signs and changes in behaviour,but this is not alway the case. Signs of physical abuse Frequent or regular falls or injuries Pepperpot bruising – small bruises,usually on the chest,caused by poking with a finger or pulling clothes tightly Fingermarks – often on arms or shoulders Bruising in areas not normally bruised such as the inside of thighs and arms Sighns of sexual Unusal sexual behaviour Blood or marks no underclothes Recurrent gentital/ urinary infections Complaints of soreness or infections in the genital/ anal area Frequent complaints of abdominal pain Change in behaviour Sighns of emotional Loss of interest in appearance Loss of confidence Becoming afraid of making decisions Change in behaviour Sighns of financial Sudden change in attitude to financial matters Sleeping problems Feeling depressed or hopeless Any behaviour changes could indicate that the service user is a victim of some form of abuse, but remember that they are only an indicator and will need to be linked to other factors to arrive at a complete picture Aiii Explain the correct actions to take if you suspect an individual is being abused Report your concerns to your line manager/ supervisor. Aiv Explain the correct actions to take if an individual tells you they are being abused If a client tells you they are being abused,you should stop what you re doing and listen carefully to them.all conversations should be treated with confidence and information only passed on to those who need to know.even if the person speaks in strictest of confidence,line managers must still be informed and the discussion written down.never agree with the client that you wont tell someone who can do something about it. Av Identify how to ensure that any evidence of abuse is kept safe There may be situations where you have evidence of abuse,either because you have witnessed it happening or because you have other evidence such as bank slips, forged pension books,ect. In this situation must be reported immediately to your supervisor,or the person identified in the procedures followed by your workplace for cases of suspected make sure that you provide all the evidence in detail with full information about how you found the evidence and how and where you have recorded it.if you have witnessed,or intervened in,an act of abuse that may constitute a criminal offence, you must not remove any possible evidence until the police have examined the scene. Avi Identify the national policies that set out requirements for safeguarding individuals Safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006 No secrets act 2000 Care standards act 2000 Avii Identify the local and organisational systems for safeguarding Safe guarding vulnerable groups act 2006 cqc Criminal records bureau human rights act 1998 Aviii Explain the roles of different agencies and professionals that are involved in safeguarding individuals Police,- criminal(assult ,fraud, theft domestic violence) Council, – to protect people using their service – make sure they re safe  extend help where needed to support those experiencing abuseand neglect in their own homes Social workers – to investigate actual or suspected abuse or neglect Crb-to check an individuals past to see if they have any criminal convictions Gp,a&e staff,nurses,medical professionals – they can diagnose treat and examine and record any evidence Cqc – to regulate and inspect care providers Aix Identify sources of advice, support and information to help social care workers understand their own role in safeguarding Health authorities, local authority social services My manager, colleagues My companys policies and procedures on safeguarding The internet Cqc Independent safeguarding authority Books Training and advise from training 204 Task B Research and Account Identify two reports on serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. Write an account that describes the unsafe practices in the reviews. Suggested word count: 400 words 204 Task C – Short Answer Questions Ci Explain what a social care worker must do if they become aware of unsafe practice. They must report the matter to their line manager or senior using the whistle blowing policy keeping a recorded document of times,places and events of unsafe practise and any other evidence they are able to obtain. If the unsafe practice is by the manager then must report to a higher member within the company so the matter can be resolved. Cii Describe what a social care worker must do if unsafe practice is reported but nothing is done to ensure it is corrected. if a care worker reported unsafe practise and nothing is done to correct it the social care worker needs to keep recorded documentationof the person who they reported  it to, keep reporting it and keep recording it and keeping recorded documentation as evidence and advise the person performing unsafe practise of what they are doing wrong and work to the best practice you know. If still nothing is done to correct the unsafe practice the social care worker can contact cqc and advise them on the unsafe practice. Ciii Describe three factors that may make individuals more vulnerable to abuse than others. Factor 1; physical disability – physical disabilitynof any form can make individuals more vulnerable to abuse as they often are unable to speak out about who is abusing them or what type of abuse is occurring and makes them vulnerable to abusive attacks. Factor 2; age – age of all types can have an effect both young and old are more vulnerable to abuse. Old people are more vulnerable to financial abuse if they are not in control of their own finances along with physical and mental abuse children are vulnerable to grooming ,sexual, physical,mental and emotional abuse. Factor 3; mental illness – mental illness makes people vulnerable as they may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from significant harm and exploitation Civ Explain how adopting a person centred approach which offers choices and upholds rights can empower an individual and help to reduce the likelihood of abuse. Treating individual with respect, supporting individuals rights to control their lives and make informed choices, promoting individual views, helping individual service users and care workers to make complaint and maintaining confidentialty encourage service users to comment and attend in the meeting.those practices help individuals to aquire their self esteem and recognize their values, rights, and powers what protect them being abused. Cv Explain how encouraging and promoting active participation can help to reduce the likelihood of abuse. Encouraging active participation builds self esteem,and the person will refuse to tolerate abuse and will be inclined to report it, theyre also around other people which will help build friendships in which they can share things they may tell one of them if abuse may happen and one of them may pass it on to help. Cvi Explain how an effective and easy to use complaints procedure can help to reduce the likelihood of abuse.  If it is easy to access the complaints procedure,and anyone willing to complain has no difficulty in doing so, then it makes it harder for abuse to go unreported,and hence less likely to take place . if a victim has difficulty complaining then someone who might abuse them is more likely to do so, as they would be more confident that the victim would not be able to do anything about it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Microscale Techniques Essay

1. NaOH is a very corrosive chemical and contact with it can cause burns to body tissue and possible eye damage. Can irriate the lungs and can cause permanent lung damage. also contact with water can generate enought heat to ignite combustibles. 2. In your own words, briefly explain the terms below. Copied answers will receive zero points. a. equilibrium state When a chemical reaction is equal. when the products and reactients are at equal rates b. the effect of formation of a complex  a complex is a term used to describe a substance compused of two other substances.When pushing two substances together they can form a complex which is usually weaker than a regular chemical bond 3. A student is studying the equilibrium represented by the equation 2CrO42-(aq, yellow) + 2H3O+(aq) ↠ Cr2O72-(aq, orange) + 3H2O(l) → The mixture obtained by the student is yellow. a. Describe the color change the student should observe after adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to the equilibrium mixture. A) Adding acid causes the mixture to become more orange. As H3O+ ion concentration increases, the system converts some of the H3O+ ion to water and dichromate ions. The additional dichromate ion causes the mixture to appear more orange than before. b. Describe the color change the student should observe after adding solid sodium chromate to the equilibrium mixture. (HINT: when sodium chromate is dissolved in water, it dissociates into ions.) D) Adding solid sodium chromate causes the mixture to become more orange. As it dissolves, the chromate ion increases and CrO4 -2 ion is converted to dichromate ions. The dichromate ion concentration increases, so the mixture appears more orange. c. Describe the color change the student should observe after adding excess sodium hydroxide to the equilibrium mixture in (b). Briefly explain your answer in terms of Le Chà ¢telier’s principle, similar to the answers that were provided earlier in this problem. No change the solution will remain yellow. In Le Chà ¢telier’s principle it talks about how when stress is put on a reaction the reaction shift to relieve the stress. So when we add more of a reaction or product the reaction will shift to use it up, and shift away from added species. d. Write a net ionic equation to support your answer in (c). 1 H3O + (aq) + 1 OH – (aq) → 2 H2O (l) 4. a. Predict the direction in which the equilibrium should shift when you add sodium sulfate solution to the mixture in well A1. Explain why. B) The equilibrium will shift to the left. The system wants to lower the concentration of the sulfate ion, which can be done consuming some of the added sulfate ion and thus shifting the equilibrium to the reactant side. b. Predict the direction in which the equilibrium should shift when you add solid sodium hydrogen sulfate solution to the mixture in well A3. Explain why. C) The equilibrium will shift to the right. The system wants to lower the concentration of the hydrogen sulfate ion, which can be done by consuming some of the added hydrogen sulfate ion and shifting the equilibrium to the product side. c. Predict the direction in which the equilibrium should shift when you add concentrated hydrochloric acid to the mixture in well C1. Explain why. A) The equilibrium will shift to the right. The added acid reacts with hydroxide ions to form water, thus reducing the hydroxide ion concentration. The system responds by converting solid magnesium hydroxide to aqueous magnesium hydroxide. d. Predict the direction in which the equilibrium should shift when you add Na4EDTA solution to the mixture in well C2. to the right Explain why. EDTA purpuse to bind metal cations. So by adding this we reduce the concentration of Mg+2 ions, but we are also adding more OH- ions, and that means that the concentration of OH- ions is decreasing. e. Predict the direction in which the equilibrium should shift when your TA adds water to the hexaaquacobalt(II) ion mixture. Explain why. D) The equilibrium should shift to the right. The system lowers the concentration of the water by consuming some of the added water to form the hexahydrate complex, thus shifting the equilibrium to the product side.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sole Proprietor Essay

Advantage ( 1 ) Easy to set up: Exclusive trading concern can be established really rapidly and easy. Anybody who wants to get down a concern can make so. whenever. he likes. In Nepal. merely nominal legal formality of enrollment is necessary. ( 2 ) Easy to fade out: Dissolution of exclusive trading concern every bit simple. There are no legal formalities in this respect. Owner can fade out concern whenever he likes to make so. ( 3 ) Effective control: In this signifier of concern organisation. owner is responsible for all types of activities. He controls all maps and takes determinations at appropriate clip. So. the concern is controlled in an effectual manner. He controls all maps and takes determinations at appropriate clip. So. the concern is controlled in an effectual manner. ( 4 ) Direct motive: The direct relationship between attempt and reward serves as a powerful inducement to the owner to pull off the concern expeditiously. The owner being entitled to the full net incomes of the conc ern tries to maximise net incomes by using his endowments and activities in the best possible manner. ( 5 ) Personal supervising: The owner is able to oversee every work of the concern himself. This helps to construct up a stopping point and affable relationship with the employees. He can take personal involvement in his clients and he can run into their single and typical demands easy and adequately. It ensures efficaciously and economic system in the operation. ( 6 ) Benefit of Unlimited Liability: The owner can obtain loan on his personal recognition. The liability being limitless. the creditors feel secure in widening recognition. ( 7 ) Prompt determination: The proprietor has full control over his concern. So he is able to take determination quickly without confer withing anybody. If more than one individual is involved in doing determination so hold is bound to happen. ( 8 ) Secrecy: The owner can keep concern secrets. There is no legal ordinance sing the revelation of concern information. So he can keep secretiveness from his rivals. Secrecy is really critical for concern success. ( 9 ) Flexible: Exclusive bargainer enjoys the maximal flexibleness in his concern. If any alteration in concern is required. he does no hold to confer with any one and can do the alteration without hold. No legal formalities are required for doing alterations in operations. This gives flexibleness to this type of concern. ( 10 ) Social importance: From societal point of view sole trading concern is of import because: – It is a agency for gaining support independently. – It avoids concentrating wealth in few custodies. – It brings competition among exclusive owners. so they provide goods in cheaper rates to the society. – Qualities like autonomy. assurance. tact and enterprise are developed in this organisation. ( 11 ) Net incomes: All the net incomes accrue to the exclusive owner. There is no limitation on the capital employed in the concern. Capital additions inclusion rates are lower for persons than for concern entities. The exclusive owner besides enjoys the normal revenue enhancement discounts and the one-year capital additions exclusion. Disadvantage 1 ) Limited Capital: The capital of one owner is normally little. It is limited to his personal nest eggs and borrowing on personal security. Hence. he can non set about farther enlargement and development deficiency of extra capital and fails to bask the internal and external economic sciences of graduated table. ( 2 ) Limited Management Ability: In the present competitory universe complexnesss of managerial occupations are increasing everyday. One adult male can non be expert in each and every map of the concern. For deficiency of resources he may non be able to utilize the services of experts. So limited managerial ability will impede the growing of the house. ( 3 ) Unlimited Liability: The limitless liability of exclusive proprietary is a great disadvantage. A loss in concern may strip the owner of his assets excessively. So large concern houses necessitating more economic hazard are non established under this organisation. ( 4 ) Uncertain Life: The success of this type of concer n depends on the personal capacity of owner. In instance of his decease concern may be discontinued. The replacements may non hold the same grade of autonomy and ability. Therefore. there is no uninterrupted being of the house. ( 5 ) Dull and Monotonous Work: The owner has the exclusive right on net income of the concern. So he tries to work more to gain more net income. Consequently the work becomes dull and humdrum. His wellness is severely affected and he is deprived of pleasant societal dealingss and affable household life. ( 6 ) No Large Economicss and Specialization: A little concern graduated table can non economies in purchases. production and selling. Similarly the benefit of specialisation of service of experts can non be obtained. ( 7 ) Loss in Absence: A exclusive trading has to endure from the long unwellness of the owner. In his absence concern comes to a deadlock. This can take to heavy losingss. Employees may non be efficient or they may non take sincere involvement. ( 8 ) Possibility of Incorrect Decision: In exclusive trading a businessman alone makes all the determinations. Hence. determinations may non be ever right and wise. When a considerable figure of people are involved in doing determination procedure a wise and mature determination is possible. – The full value of the concern signifiers portion of the exclusive proprietary estate in the event of decease. This could take to estate responsibility being paid. – The concern demands to be shut down on the exclusive owners decease. there is no automatic continuance of the concern on decease. Particular proviso can be made via the will though. Partnership Advantage ( 1 ) Easy to organize and Dissolve: A simple understanding among spouses is sufficient to register a partnership. No other formal paperss and legal formalities are required. It is every bit easy and cheap to fade out a partnership. ( 2 ) More Resources: Partnership is a combination of several individuals. So more capitals can be collected and advantages of large-scale concern may be obtained. More spouses can be added if capital demands are big. ( 3 ) Harmonization of Different Abilities: In partnership house. there is a harmonisation of different abilities of different spouses. The endowment. expertness and cognition of spouses in different Fieldss can be used for the public assistance of the concern. So. there is more opportunity for the promotion of concern. ( 4 ) Credit Facility: The ability of spouses being limitless they will be able to borrow more capital. As compared to sole trading concern. partnership has more recognition worthiness. A partnership house to the finance esta blishments and other creditors can supply more securities. ( 5 ) Appropriate Decisions: In spouses determinations are taken by consensus of all spouses. So they take appropriate determinations and there is less opportunity of incorrectness. Fear of limitless liability encourages cautiousness and attention. therefore. puts a brake on headlong and foolhardy determinations. ( 6 ) More Inspiration: There is more inspiration to work because spouses think that the consequence of their difficult work will be rewarded in the signifier of more net incomes to them. ( 7 ) Close Supervision: The spouses themselves look after the concern. so they avoid wastage. They have direct entree to employees and can promote them for more production. ( 8 ) Secrecy: The concern personal businesss and histories of the partnership do non necessitate promotion by jurisprudence as in companies. So. spouses can maintain concern secrets within themselves. ( 9 ) Flexible: In partnership house. there can be any alteration in managerial set-up. capital. and graduated table of production. These alterations can be made by the common understanding between spouses. Therefore. it enjoys flexibleness. ( 10 ) Protection of Minority Interests: Every spouse has a right to take part in the direction of the concern. All-important determinations are taken by the consent of all spouses. In event of disagreement minority may even Veto a declaration. Hence. it protects the involvement of minor spouses. ( 11 ) Reduced Hazard: all spouses will portion the losingss incurred by the house. So loss of each spouse will be less in comparing to sole trading concern. – There are no formal demands for the creative activity of a partnership. – There are no formal demands for the running of the concern. This makes partnerships an cheap concern entity to run. – Partners are taxed in their ain capacities. which could take to lower revenue enhancement. depending on the degree of income of the person. Disadvantage ( 1 ) Uncertain Being: The partnership house suffers from the unsure being because it can be dissolved at the clip of decease of insolvency of spouse. Therefore. the life. of the house is dependent on the life of the spouses. In the same manner a concern may end due to dishonesty of a spouse or struggle among spouses. ( 2 ) Unlimited Liability: The liability of spouses is limitless. The spouses are jointly and individually apt for the debts of the house. So they try to avoid hazards and curtail the enlargement and growing of the concern. ( 3 ) Trouble in Prompt Decisions: All-important determinations are taken by the consent of all spouses. So determinations doing procedure becomes clip devouring and loss of concern chances due to detain in decision-making. Normally in concern. the self-generated determinations can merely enable the house to bask higher net incomes. which is non possible in partnership. ( 4 ) Danger of Disputes: Many individuals are proprietors of a partnership house . Every spouse wants to demo his importance. Misunderstanding and covetous inclinations are the common failings of the human existences. So there is ever a danger difference among them. which may take concern to an terminal. ( 5 ) Trouble on Transfer of Shares: A spouse can non reassign his or go forth the house portions without the consent of all other spouses. The consent of all other spouses is mandatory. So people do non desire to put money in a partnership concern. ( 6 ) Hazard of Implied Authority: A dishonest or unqualified spouse may take the house in troubles. The other spouses will hold to run into the duties incurred by the spouse. The proviso of implied authorization may make jobs for the concern. ( 7 ) Lack of Public Confidence: The populace does non hold much assurance in a partnership concern. This is because personal businesss of a partnership concern are non unfastened to public examination. Its histories are non required to print. There is no much governmental control over the operations of a partnership. ( 8 ) Limited Resources: Modern concern demands big sum of capital. But in partnership the resources are limited to the personal financess of the spouses. Borrowing capacity of spouses is besides limited. Even though the capital is more in partnership than in instance of exclusive trading. but still is non sufficient for the smooth behavior and operation of large-scale concern. – Not a separate legal entity and therefore spouses are apt for the partnership debts in their ain capacity. The personal. single assets of the spouse may be attached for the liabilities of the partnership under certain fortunes. – The partnership terminates on the decease of a spouse. Unless there are sufficient financess available to purchase the asleep partner’s portion o r to pay his portion in hard currency. the assets of the partnership will hold to be sold. – A spouse may non be a member of a pension/ provident fund. as there is no employee/employer relationship between the partnership and its spouses. Joint stock company Advantages ( 1 ) Huge Financial Resources: A company can roll up big amount of money from big figure of stockholders. There is no bound on the figure of stockholders in a public company. Since its capital is divided into portions of little value even a individual of little agencies can lend to its capital by merely buying its portions. It installations the mobilisation of nest eggs of 1000000s for the productive intents. In add-on. a company can borrow from Bankss to a big extent and besides issue unsecured bonds to public. ( 2 ) Limited Liability: The liability of stockholders in a company is limited to the face value of the portions they have purchased. The limited liability encourages many people to put in portions of joint stock companies. If the financess of a company are deficient to fulfill the claims of the creditors. no members can be called to pay anything more than the value of portions held by them. ( 3 ) Ageless Being: Due to its separate legal being. it has ageless being. The life of company is non dependent dice or go insolvent. The members of a company may travel on a company. The stableness of concern is of great importance to the society every bit good as to the state. ( 4 ) Transferability of Shares: The portions if a public company are freely movable. This transferability of portions brings about liquidness of investing. It encourages many people to put. It besides helps a company in tapping more resources. ( 5 ) Diffusion of Hazard: In exclusive proprietary and in partnership concern. few individuals portion the hazard. But in company. the figure of stockholders is big. so many individuals portion hazard. Therefore. the load of hazard upon any person is non immense. This attracts many investors. It enables companies to take up new ventures. ( 6 ) Efficient Management: In company ownership is separate from direction. A company has adequate resources to use the services of experts and directors who may be extremely specialized in different Fieldss of direction. It can pull gifted individuals by offering them higher wages and better calling chances. The efficient direction will assist the company to take balanced determinations and can direct the personal businesss of the company in the best possible mode. It besides helps to spread out and diversify the activities of the company. ( 7 ) Economies of Large Scale Production: Large-scale production of modern yearss is the consequence of company signifier of organisation. This consequences in economic sciences in production. purchase. selling and direction. These economic systems will assist company to supply quality goods at lower cost to the consumers. ( 8 ) Democratic Management: the elective representatives of stockholders called the ‘directors’ manage The Company. Directors are responsible and accountable to the general organic structure of stockholders. Decisions are taken by a bulk of ballots wholly based upon democratic rules. This prevents in misdirection of a company. ( 9 ) Public Assurance: A company enjoys a greater public assurance and repute in the market due to legal control. promotion of histories and ageless being. Audit of Joint Stock Company is mandatory. A company’s fiscal histories and statements are published. circulated and are unfastened to public review. Therefore public have enough religion in it. So. it can acquire loan from different fiscal establishments. ( 10 ) Social Importance: The company provides chance to mobilise scattered nest eggs of the community. It besides creates employment chances. Due to large-scale production consumers get cheaper goods. The society is supplied with adequate measure of goods. Government gets income in the signifier of revenue enhancements. Disadvantages ( 1 ) Trouble in Formation: A company is non easy to organize and set up. A figure of individuals should be ready to tie in for acquiring a company incorporated. It requires a batch of legal formalities to be performed. The portions will hold to be sold during the prescribed clip. It is both expensive and hazardous. ( 2 ) Lack of Secrecy: A company has to detect many legal formalities. Most of the concern activities are decided through meetings. Net income and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet are required to be published. So trade secrets can non be maintained. ( 3 ) Delay in Decisions: In company determinations doing procedure is clip devouring. Either Board of Directors of by General Annual Meetings makes all important determinations. So many chances may be lost due to detain in determination devising. ( 4 ) Separation of Ownership and Management: A company is owned by stockholders but managed by managers. The stockholders play an undistinguished function in the working of the company. Though managers are proprietors of some making portions merely. yet the consequence of their activities is to be borne by all stockholders. The net income of the company belongs to stockholders and the Board of Directors is paid merely on a committee. There is no direct relationship between attempts and wagess. So the direction does non take personal involvement in the workings of company. Hence. they may work against the involvement of huge bulk of stockholders. ( 5 ) Guess in portions: The Joint Stock Companies facilitate guess in the portions at stock exchanges. It has been found that even the managers and the directors of the company indulge in pull stringsing the value of portions to their advantage. When they want to buy the portions they lower the rate of dividend and when they want to dispose of the portions they declare dividends at a higher rate. ( 6 ) Oligarchic Management: The stockholders who are the existent proprietors do non hold much voice in the direction. A smattering of stockholders. who besides manage the personal businesss of the company. are able to hold control over it. Theoretically the company is democratic. but in pattern it is largely a instance of oligarchy ( Rule by few ) . A few individuals hold power and control and seek to work the bulk. Therefore. it does non advance the involvement of the stockholders in general. ( 7 ) Excessive Regulation: A company has to detect inordinate ordinances imposed by the jurisprudence of the state. The inordinate ordinances are made with a position to protect the involvement of the stockholders and the populace but in pattern they put obstructions in their normal and effectual working. A batch of cherished clip. attempts. and fiscal resources are wasted in following with statutory demands. ( 8 ) Conflict of Interest: In a company there are many parties whose involvement may collide and the consequence may be struggle of involvements. The direction. the stockholders. the employees. the creditors and the authorities may hold their ain single involvements. Therefore. a lasting type of struggle of involvements may go on to be in the companies. These struggles by and large lead to inefficiency in the direction and cut down employee morale. ( 9 ) Disregard of Minority: the stockholders holding bulk of them decide all major issues in company. Majority group ever dominate over the minority group whose involvement are ne'er represented in the direction. The company act provides steps against subjugation of minority. but the steps are non really effectual.